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Meat quality key to driving success in beef and lamb sector

Eblex | AHDB Beef and Lamb

2 min read Partner content

Enhancing meat eating quality is key to help maximise returns throughout the supply chain and maintaining consumer confidence, according to EBLEX.

The subject will be in the spotlight at this month’s EBLEX Processor Conference in Stratford on January 22, which will examine the organisation’s cuts development work, consumer research and meat eating quality initiatives from around the world.

Dr Phil Hadley, EBLEX head of supply chain development, said:

“Driving enhanced meat eating quality is crucial to the ongoing development of the beef and lamb sector.

“It will help ensure consumers enjoy a consistently high quality eating experience, as well as help maximise returns throughout the supply chain through full utilisation of the carcase and innovative cuts development.”

Delegates at the conference are also due to hear about the uptake of new cutting methods in the US. This has helped develop a new range of steak cuts, resulting in a large rise in carcase utilisation and the value of the forequarter.

The development of Meat Standards Australia – a beef and sheep meat eating quality initiative – will come under the spotlight, as will EBLEX’s own work on consumer research, cuts development and supply chain projects.

Dr Hadley added:

“We all want to ensure beef and sheep meat eating quality is the highest quality possible. Our processor conference will provide the perfect platform for us to share best practice with colleagues from around the globe and discuss industry issues with delegates.”

Further details can be found in the events section of the EBLEX website To book a place at the EBLEX Processor Conference 2015 or phone Selma Todd on 01823 283161.

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