Sun, 2 June 2024

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Carers Trust appoints Gail Scott-Spicer as new chief executive

Carers Trust

2 min read Partner content

Gail Scott-Spicer is to join Carers Trust in February as its new chief executive.

She brings with her a wealth of experience drawn from 20 years of working in both the public and voluntary sectors.

A former deputy chief executive of the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations, she has led teams delivering all aspects of finance, HR, IT and marketing and communications and was part of a senior team to work on the merger of two organisations, something which Carers Trust underwent two years ago. She also has experience of the implications of caring.

Commenting on the appointment, Andrew Cozens, chair of Carers Trust, said:

“We are very pleased that Gail is joining us. She was the outstanding candidate in a strong field. She joins Carers Trust at a very important time for carers and our network partners as we seek to extend our reach and impact and work to capitalise on new rights for carers.”

Gail said: “I am honoured to be appointed to lead such an important and relevant charity. Carers Trust, with its network partners, provides vital support services to unpaid adults and children across the UK who care for a friend, a neighbour or a relative. It also seeks to highlight the particular needs of carers and the inequality they face with decision makers and funders.

“I look forward to continuing to improve the lives of the seven million unpaid carers who work tirelessly every day in our communities across the United Kingdom."

She is currently director of marketing and communications for The Scout Association.

She replaces Thea Stein who left Carers Trust earlier this year to become chief executive of Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust.




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The Engineering a Better World podcast series from The House magazine and the IET is back for series two! New host Jonn Elledge discusses with parliamentarians and industry experts how technology and engineering can provide policy solutions to our changing world.

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