Sat, 1 June 2024

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Boris Johnson unveils £14bn cash boost for schools over next three years

4 min read

Boris Johnson has pledged to spend an extra £14bn on primary and secondary schools over the next three years.

The Prime Minister said the extra money would “level up” how much schools receive per pupil as he insisted ministers could not accept an education system that allowed “winners or losers”.

The commitment will see an extra £2.6bn of funding for 2020/21, £4.8bn for 2021/22, and £7.1bn for 2022/23, compared to this year.

Ministers say the pledge means every secondary school will receive a minimum of £5,000 per pupil next year, while every primary school will get a minimum of £4,000 from 2021/22.

Meanwhile £700m will be spent on children with special educational needs and disabilities in 2020/21.

Mr Johnson said the announcement was in keeping with his pledge before becoming PM to “make sure every child receives a superb education - regardless of which school they attend, or where they grew up”.

"Today I can announce the first step in delivering on that pledge – funding per pupil in primary and secondary schools will increase, and be levelled up across the entire country,” he said.

"We should not accept the idea that there can be “winners or losers” when it comes to our children’s futures.

"That’s why we are providing additional funding now and for the future for every school, with those historically underfunded receiving the greatest increase."

Downing Street said the move would ensure that per-pupil funding for all schools rises at least in line with inflation.

They added that a string of reforms to teacher pay, school standards, and classroom behaviour will be set out in the coming days.

Mr Johnson added: “My government will ensure all young people get the best possible start in life.

“That means the right funding, but also giving schools the powers they need to deal with bad behaviour and bullying so pupils continue to learn effectively.” 

The additional funding announcement comes ahead of next week’s spending review, where Chancellor Sajid Javid has already pledged to increase the money available for schools, as well as the police and NHS.

The Chancellor said: “Because of the hard work of the British people to put our finances in order, we can now invest in their priorities.

“As I know from my own experience, nothing is more important to a child’s future than their education.

“That’s why we are putting in place the funding that helps them realise their potential, to the benefit of us all.”

Education Secretary Gavin Williamson said schools would also receive a further £4.4bn over three years to cover rising pension costs for teachers.

He added: “We owe it to the next generation to ensure our education system is world class, and that nothing stands in the way of our young people having the best choices in life, whatever course they take."

“This £14bn funding increase – the largest cash boost in a generation - means our schools can continue to raise standards and build an education system that boosts productivity, improves social mobility and equips children with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the bright future that lies ahead.”


Shadow Education Secretary, Angela Rayner, said: “This comes nowhere close to meeting the Prime Minister’s pledge to reverse the Tories’ education cuts, let alone matching Labour’s plans to invest in a National Education Service.

“Instead, it is yet another con trick by a politician who shown time and again that you just can’t trust his promises. 

“Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are struggling to access the help they need, and yet today the Education Secretary hasn’t even offered enough to cover half of the funding shortfall and not for another year.

“Today’s announcement completely ignores the impact of cuts on vital services like nursery schools and Sure Start centres or adult learning and training, and school buildings will continue to crumble as cuts to capital funding continue."

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