Fri, 14 June 2024

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Move to unseat jailed MP Fiona Onasanya after conviction appeal dismissed

2 min read

A bid to unseat an MP jailed for perverting the course of justice has been triggered.

Former Labour MP Fiona Onasanya will face a recall petition in her Peterborough constituency after her appeal to overturn her conviction was dismissed at the Royal Courts of Justice.

Ms Onasanya was found guilty in December of lying to police about a speeding charge and was jailed for three months.

House of Commons Speaker John Bercow confirmed on Tuesday afternoon that after losing her appeal, the recall process has begun.

Under fresh measures introduced in 2016, a by-election will be triggered if 10% of registered voters in Ms Onasanya's constituency sign the recall petition.

Mr Bercow said: “I have received a letter this afternoon from the Registrar of Criminal Appeals, informing me that Fiona Onasanya‘s application for leave to appeal against her conviction has been refused.

“This notification triggers the provisions of the Recall for MPs act 2015 and I will accordingly be writing to the relevant petition officer to inform that person that Fiona Onasanya is therefore subject to a recall petition process.

 “It will be for that officer to make the arrangements for the petition.”

Ms Onasanya took the seat from the Conservatives at the 2017 election with a majority of just 607 votes.

She was kicked out of the Labour party after her conviction, but has rejected calls for her to quit as an MP.

She will become only the second MP in parliamentary history to face the recall move.

Ian Paisley, the MP for North Antrim, also faced the process last year, but survived after not enough of his constituents signed the petition.

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