Incoming Conservative government must put the NHS on a firmer financial footing Independent Age 1 min read08 May 2015 Partner content In response to the General Election result, Janet Morrison, Chief Executive at Independent Age, said: ‘The incoming Conservative government must build on the broad consensus between political parties on tackling health and underfunding. It is essential that it takes swift, decisive action to put the NHS on a firmer financial footing and, at the same time, tackle the chronic problems in care and support for the elderly and disabled, which is facing a £4.3 billion funding gap over the next 5 years. Over 2 million older people struggle with basic tasks such as washing, dressing and eating, but many don’t receive any help at all. Tacking these issues must be a priority.’ Related Cross-Party MPs Say NHS Leaders Need To 'Step Up' By Zoe Crowther 29 Jan