Sat, 27 July 2024

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Consultation responses

A full list of responses to external consultations is available here. 



Bar Council response to the call for evidence by the Commission on Justice in Wales – follow up questions


Bar Council response to the Law Commission consultation on Employment Law Hearing Structures 

Bar Council response to the Law Commission consultation paper on Automated Vehicles 

Bar Council response to LSB Business Plan 2019-20 consultation



Bar Council response to Ministry of Justice Mental Capacity Act 2005 Code of Practice, Call for Evidence consultation

Bar Council response to the Consultation on fees and charges for the authorisation and supervision of Authorised Education and Training Organisations by the Bar Standards Board



Bar Council response to the Department for the Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy’s consultation paper on Pregnancy and Maternity Discrimination: Extending Redundancy Protection for Women and New Mothers 

Bar Council response to further consultation on OPBAS fees



Bar Council response to Law Commission Immigration Rules consultation

Bar Council response to BEIS Confidentiality Clauses consultation

Bar Council response to National Assembly of Wales's Children (Abolition of Defence of Reasonable Punishment) (Wales) Bill consultation 

Bar Council response to Sentencing Council Expanded Explanations in Sentencing Guidelines consultation


Bar Council response to HM Treasury's Fifth Money Laundering Directive consultation




Bar Council response to the Civil Justice Council Consultation on the future of ADR in Civil Justice 

Bar Council Response to the BSB Consultation on Future Bar Training 

Bar Council response to the Bar Standards Board consultation paper on transparency standards

Bar Council response to Recovering the costs of the Office for Professional Body Anti-Money Laundering Supervision (OPBAS): fees proposals

Bar Council response to the Legal Ombudsman Strategy and Business Plan 2018-2019 consultation paper

Bar Council response to the Law Commission’s third consultative document on the Sentencing Code


Bar Council response to the Legal Services Board consultation “Reviewing the Internal Governance Rules”

Bar Council response to the Legal Services Board consultation Strategy 2018-21 and Business Plan 2018/19

Bar Council response to the Default County Court Judgments consultation paper



Bar Council response to the Law Commission consultation on Planning Law in Wales

Bar Council response to the Fit for the Future consultation paper



Bar Council response to the Law Commission's fourth consultative document on the Sentencing Code



Bar Council response to the Enforcement of Employment Rights Recommendations consultation paper 

Bar Council response to the Transforming the Response to Domestic Abuse consultation paper 

Bar Council response to the Treasury Office Taylor Employment Status consultation paper 

Bar Council response to the Bar Standards Board's 'Modernising regulatory decision-making' consultation paper 

Bar Council response to the Treasury Office 'Claims Management Regulation' consultation paper 

Bar Council response to the call for evidence by the Commission on Justice in Wales



Bar Council response to the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority ‘Protecting the users of legal services: balancing cost and access to legal services’

Bar Council response to HM Government consultation: ‘Powers for dealing with unauthorised development and encampments’ 

Bar Council supplementary response to the Legal Services Board’s review of the Internal Governance Rules



Bar Council response to the Consultation on the sexual orientation and religion or belief monitoring within chambers and BSB entities

Bar Council response to the Ministry of Justice consultation “Reconsideration of Parole Board decisions: creating a new and open system”

Bar Council response to the QCA Appointments consultation "QCA Appointments Scheme - Character, Conduct and Integrity"

Bar Council response to the DEFRA consultation "Environmental Principles and Governance after the United Kingdom leaves the European Union”



Bar Council response to the DEFRA consultation "Environmental Principles and Governance after the United Kingdom leaves the European Union”

Bar Council response to QC Appointments consultation "QCA Appointments Scheme - Listing of Cases and Assessors" 

Bar Council response to the Ministry of Justice consultation "Part 39 Civil Procedure Rules: proposed changes - Open Justice"

Bar Council response to the Ministry of Justice survey "Part 2 of the LASPO Act: Litigation Funding and Costs"



Bar Council response to the Ministry of Justice review of Legal Aid for Inquests

Bar Council response to the Future Bar Training Consultation on the proposed rules for the training framework for the Bar.



Bar Council response to the Home Office consultation on Stop and Search 

Bar Council response to the Ministry of Justice consultation “Amending the Advocates’ Graduated Fee Scheme” 

Bar Council submission to the Ministry of Justice LASPO Post-Implementation Review

Bar Council response to the Law Commission consultation on the Draft Insurable Interest Bill, June 2018



Bar Council and Criminal Bar Association response to the Law Commission consultation paper 235 'Search Warrants'



Bar Council response to the Law Commission consultation paper 'Electronic execution of documents'

Bar Council response to the Bar Standards Board's consultation paper 'Strategic programme for 2019-2022' 

Bar Council response to the Ministry of Justice consultation paper 'Reform of the legal requirements for divorce'

Bar Council response to the Ministry of Justice consultation paper on the Independent Public Advocate

Bar Council response to the ‘Rules Consultation on Transparency Standards’ issued by the Bar Standards Board

Bar Council response to recovering the costs of OPBAS: proposed fee rates for 2018/19

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