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There are renewed calls for the 200 NHS workers and academics, who risked their lives in combating the deadly Ebola virus disease in West Africa, to receive the more than £4,000 bonus that was paid to colleagues working for Public Health England (PHE).
SRA highlights importance of wellbeing for solicitors
This event follows recommendations made in the APPCOG’s 2015 inquiry report Carbon Monoxide: from awareness to action and the Royal College of Physician’s & Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health’s report Every Breath We Take.
Labour MP, Stephen Hepburn, calls for the Health and Safety Executive to be ‘an effective policeman’ to end fatal workplace accidents in the construction industry.
A pan-industry approach to controlling mineral dust in the workplace could help to reduce the UK’s occupational cancer burden, according to IOSH.
The first step towards the development of a new cross-industry approach on the control of mineral dust in the workplace has been taken today (Monday 14 March), says the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).