ATL comment on Liberal Democrat education pledge ATL | Association of Teachers and Lecturers 1 min read16 April 2015 Partner content Dr Mary Bousted, general secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers comments on the Liberal Democrat manifesto Commenting on the Liberal Democrats' education pledge, Dr Mary Bousted, general secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL), said: "The Liberal Democrats' pledge to protect the amount of spending on each pupil in real terms over the next parliament is important and necessary as the number of pupils is rising rapidly. School budgets are already under enormous strain, and without adequate funding, teachers and school leaders will struggle to provide the highest quality education. There can be no greater investment in the future than to protect education funding and the life chances of children and young people." Related Forty Per Cent Of Nurseries Say They Will Offer Fewer Places Due To National Insurance Rise By Matilda Martin 10 Feb Read the most recent article written by ATL - ATL on Government plans to force all schools in England to become academies