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Theresa May refuses to single out Michael Fallon for 'full confidence' after knee-touch apology

2 min read

Downing Street has refused to say Theresa May retains full confidence in Michael Fallon after he apologised for touching a female journalist’s knee.

Asked to single out the Defence Secretary for a note of confidence, the Prime Minister's official spokesman would only say she has "confidence in her government and her ministers".

Radio presenter Julia Hartley-Brewer relaid her experience with Sir Michael from a Tory party function in 2002, which she said did not make her “remotely upset or distressed”.

Recounting the moment he touched her leg, she said: "I calmly and politely explained to him that, if he did it again, I would punch him in the face.”

A spokesman for Sir Michael said: "He had apologised when the incident happened 15 years ago and both Julia and he now considered the matter closed."

Asked repeatedly today if Mrs May had full confidence in her Cabinet colleague, a No 10 spokesperson said: “I'm not providing a running commentary in relation to this.

“The Prime Minister has confidence in her Cabinet and her ministers."

They added: “He has been clear that he apologised for something which took place in the past. It's right that he apologised.”

The spokesman also confirmed that there will be no Cabinet Office investigation into whether Sir Michael's actions broke the ministerial code.

Meanwhile, Labour MP Kate Hollern appeared to endorse on Twitter a theory that the story about Sir Michael is “designed to obfuscate” more serious allegations about sexual harassment in parliament.

The news comes after five further Tory MPs were added to the dossier of 36 politicians - created by Tory aides - who have been accused of inappropriate conduct.

According to The Sun, the dossier also includes six cabinet ministers and other senior allies of Theresa May

An investigation into whether Brexit Minister Mark Garnier broke the ministerial code is ongoing, after it emerged he called a former PA “sugar t*ts” and sent her into a shop to buy two sex toys.

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