GMB suspends strike action at Doncaster to enable talks at ACAS on dispute over changes to terms and conditions of employment
Under the auspices of ACAS an agreement was reached to suspend the proposed industrial action from 4th September to 14th September to enable further discussion to take place says GMB.
GMB, the union for public sector workers, has suspended strike action between 4th and 14th September at Doncaster Council to enable talks at ACAS in a dispute over proposed change to shift patterns and terms and conditions of employment.
Members in highways, grounds maintenance and street cleaning are involved in the dispute.
Bob McNeil, GMB Regional officer, said "The industrial action in Doncaster Council due to start on 4th September is not going ahead. Under the auspices of ACAS, an agreement was reached between the joint trades unions and Doncaster Council to suspend the proposed industrial action from 4th September to 14th September to enable further discussion to take place."